USA - Analysis of broadband developments - late 2009

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Last updated: 2 Nov 2009 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 8

Analyst: Lawrence Baker


Archived report: this report was archived in December 2010 and has not been updated.

In 2009 the USA took a new direction in telecoms policies. While there was still a great deal of resistance towards issues such as a national purpose role for broadband infrastructure, the new path would undoubtedly change the industry in the USA similarly to the way telecoms structure was being affected in other countries. The Obama Team set the tone for change and the FCC was taking over the baton. They were determined to do this in a very thorough way, gathering facts and figures before they publish their report in early 2010. However in this process the new Administration already clearly indicated that it is looking at open networks. This principle had been included in the broadband stimulus package, as well as in its NPRM on Net Neutrality. The most immediate focus for the FCC, however, was to address the problems of the low level of broadband adoption and the availability of broadband in rural America. This report would also take the current situation a step further and investigate the possible future scenario for the USA, both within the context of the steps then being taken by the FCC and of the international developments taking place elsewhere.

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