Slovenia - Telecoms Infrastructure, Operators, Regulations - Statistics and Analyses

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Last updated: 11 Sep 2019 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 38


Slovenia’s fixed-line telecom market remains dominated by Telekom Slovenije though regulatory efforts to develop competition in the sector are having an effect. The Group suffered from declining revenue following the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009, and only showed growth again in 2017. To diversify its business interests and lessen the reliance pure telecom services the company has expanded into the electricity and insurance sectors, capitalising on its extensive customer base. In response to competition the telco has also followed the path of many European incumbents and developed an international presence, focused predominantly on the Balkans region where it is becoming a regional provider of IT and multimedia services.

In the overall telecom market, regulatory intervention has improved market conditions for competitors. LLU fees, based on regulated pricing models, continue to trend downwards but despite this there has been a steady reduction in the number of unbundled local loop connections.

This report offers a variety of statistics and an overview of Slovenia’s fixed-line telecoms market, covering the major players, regulatory measures and developments in fixed-line infrastructure.

Key developments:

  • Sharp rise in VoIP connections as PSTN declines;
  • Telecoms sector investment recovers from economic downturn;
  • Proportion of access lines on NGNs continues to grow;
  • Amendments made to the Electronic Communications Act;
  • Report update includes the regulator’s market report to March 2019, telcos’ operating and financial data to Q2 2019; recent market developments.

Companies mentioned in this report:

Telekom Slovenije, Amis Telekom, T-2.

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