Portugal - Telecoms Infrastructure, Operators, Regulations - Statistics and Analyses

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Last updated: 20 May 2020 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 48


Portugal has a medium-sized telecom market with a strong mobile sector and a growing broadband customer base focussed on the delivery of fibre-based services. During the last few years the country has seen improving economic growth, following several years of austerity measures. Revenue among some operators remains under some strain, though investments in network upgrades are continuing in an effort to attract customers to high-end services. Operators are also increasingly looking at network sharing to reduce expenditure while widening their footprint reach.

This report introduces the major elements of the Portuguese telecom market, presenting statistics on the fixed telephony sector as well as an analysis of the major market players. Additional information is provided on the key regulatory issues, noting the status of interconnection, local loop unbundling, number portability and carrier preselection.

Key developments:

  • Altice Portugal to replace copper network with FttP by 2020, reports continuing revenue growth in Q1 2019;
  • Regulator imposes wholesale tariff cuts for fibre access;
  • Report update includes the regulator’s market data to Q4 2018, telcos’ operating and financial data to Q1 2019, recent market developments.

Companies mentioned in this report:

Altice Portugal, NOS (Optimus, Zon Multimédia), Vodafone Portugal.

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