Ireland - Mobile Infrastructure, Broadband, Operators - Statistics and Analyses

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Last updated: 5 Mar 2019 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 67


Ireland’s mobile market is dominated by Vodafone Ireland and 3 Ireland which have a similar market share. They are followed at some distance by the incumbent telco, eir, which has about 17% of the market by subscribers. There is room for a small number of MVNOs, the largest of which is Tesco Mobile. Although the number of dedicated mobile broadband subscribers has fallen since 2016, mobile broadband use, supported by extensive LTE networks, remains popular among consumers, particularly since the introduction of flat-rate data plans. LTE forms an integral part of the government’s national broadband strategy, with upgraded LTE technologies being used to provide the required minimum of 30Mb/s in many rural areas.

The regulator has set aside spectrum in several bands for mobile data services, including that in the 3.6GHz band which was auctioned in mid-2017.

This report provides statistics and analysis on the Irish mobile market, including the key regulatory issues, a snapshot of the consumer market, emerging technologies, and the growth of mobile data.

Key developments:

  • Vodafone launches a commercial NB-IoT service, makes its first 5G call;
  • Regulator revises strategy to manage radio spectrum;
  • 3 Ireland invests €300 million to provide 225Mb/s '4G Plus' service nationally, extends Nokia vendor relationship with a five-year managed services contract;
  • Vodafone Ireland completes national LTE network upgrade project;
  • SMS traffic shows continuing decline;
  • Mobile broadband subscriber base falls;
  • Report update includes the regulator's market data to Q3 2018, telcos' operating and financial data to Q4 2018, recent market developments.

Companies mentioned in this report:

Vodafone Ireland, O2, eir, eMobile; Tesco Mobile, Virgin Media Ireland.

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