Hong Kong - Telecoms Infrastructure, Operators, Regulations - Statistics and Analyses

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Last updated: 7 Aug 2019 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 56

Analyst: Sebastien De Rosbo


Hong Kong’s small size and high population density has enabled the country to extensively rollout fixed broadband infrastructure and provide almost all households with access to high-speed broadband connectivity. This has propelled Hong Kong to boast the highest peak average broadband speeds are the highest in the world.

International internet connectivity continues to grow, driven by Hong Kong’s status as an international financial hub and its location next to China.

Fixed line growth in Hong Kong has declined over the past five years as consumers migrate to wireless voice and data services. This trend is predicted to continue over the next five years to 2024.

While current data centre sites are sufficient to support immediate demand, Hong Kong needs cheaper land options for data centre usage and government support to achieve its long-term goal as a data centre hub and smart city.

The government has taken steps towards coordinated development of a smart city. The Hong Kong government announced a range of measures in six areas, including “Smart Mobility”, “Smart Living”, and “Smart Environment”, will be introduced over the few years to 2024.

Underpinning delivery of digital economy services is increasing affordability and sophistication of end user devices and IOT connected sensors as well as continual investment in network infrastructure to connect end-user devices as well as integration of new mobile related technologies designed to improve wireless broadband capacity and service quality.

Key Developments:

  • HGC Global Communications is looking to 5G as a key opportunity for its fibre business.
  • HKT has set up a "one-stop Internet of Things ecosystem" with multiple connectivity technologies in Hong Kong.
  • Fixed line growth in Hong Kong has declined over the past five years. This trend will continue over the next five years to 2024.

Companies covered in this report include:

PCCW; HKT; CSL; Hong Kong Broadband Network (HKBN); Hutchison Telecom Hong Kong, i-Cable, HGC Global Communications.

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