Greece - Mobile Infrastructure, Broadband, Operators - Statistics and Analyses

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Last updated: 31 Jan 2020 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 76


Greece’s well-developed mobile market is dominated by the three mobile network operators Wind Hellas, Vodafone Greece and Cosmote. Operators continue to invest in LTE infrastructure and technologies, including carrier aggregation, to provide networks capable of meeting customer demand for data services. This in turn is helping the operators to offset declining revenue from voice and SMS services. Wind Hellas and Vodafone have a mobile network sharing deal and have partnered to develop a large-scale fibre-based fixed-line NGN.

The regulator has set in train the release of spectrum in several bands for 5G use, anticipated later in 2020 and with services to be launched commercially in 2021. A number of trials have been held by the MNOs, though at least one has been closed down by a city council citing supposed health concerns.

This report provides an overview of Greece’s mobile market, covering regulatory and market developments as well as financial and operating statistics of the key players.

Key developments:

  • Vodafone closes down the MVNO Cyta Mobile, plans to repurpose 3G network assets for LTE and 5G by 2022;
  • Cosmote, Vodafone and Wind Hellas pay €201.45 million to extend 1800MHz licences to end-2035;
  • Rules governing number portability tightened;
  • Amended laws reducing SIM card penetration;
  • Report update includes the regulator's market review and annual report for 2017, telcos' operating and financial data to Q3 2019, recent market developments.

Companies mentioned in this report:

Vodafone Greece, Cosmote, Wind Hellas.

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