Global - Utilities Broadband - Projects & Pilots

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Last updated: 27 May 2008 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 9

Analyst: Kylie Wansink


Archived report. This report was archived in 2008. Power utilities around the world are recognising the natural competitive advantage they have in telecommunications. This comes from the infrastructure they have in place (ducting, building access, poles), their systems (billing, call centres) and a core competency in network management and maintenance. They also have a strong relationship with, and an understanding of, a large customer base. It is a natural extension of their business activities for power companies to enter into telecommunications. Developments in Broadband Power Line (BPL) technologies are also used in the new smart grid developments. Technical trials for BPL have been in operation since 2004, but have so far not resulted in commercial roll outs. The first smart grid project was launched in 2007. This report provides an overview of developments on a global and regional level, including statistics, where available. Developments are also known as Utilities Broadband or Broadband Utilities.

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