Global - Internet and Online Services - Market Analysis 2003

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Last updated: 28 Apr 2003 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 4

Analyst: Kylie Wansink


The Internet has grown at a remarkable rate since its inception, but that rate is now slowing, mainly due to the unmet need for increased speed. E-mail is still the major application, thriving because of its non-dependence on speed. However, the huge potential markets for such applications as e-commerce and webcasting demand broadband infrastructure that is slow in coming. The growing demand for data services is being accompanied by the development of technologies allowing convergence of voice and data. Governments are starting to catch up with the explosion in the Internet, and are now trying to cope with the nuisances that Internet has spawned, such as online gambling, porn, tax evasion, cybercrime and incessant spam. This report gives an overview of the entire Internet market, with references to detailed reports on each aspect of that market.

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