Global - Infrastructure - The Broadband Commission for Digital Development - 2009-2015

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Last updated: 26 Apr 2015 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 46

Analyst: Kylie Wansink


The role of The Broadband Commission for Digital Development is to define practical ways in which countries — at all stages of development — can provide access to broadband networks for their citizens, in cooperation with the private sector. Broadband networks are an essential and uniquely powerful tool for achieving those goals and lifting people out of poverty worldwide.

The Commission has helped achieve some notable policy successes – for example, it has succeeded in boosting ICTs and broadband on the global policy agenda. It has also inspired enthusiasm for greater engagement with the UN among key business figures and provided the model for the World Health Organization (WHO)’s Commission on Information and Accountability for Women’s and Children’s Health.

BuddeComm is a keen supporter of The Broadband Commission and Paul Budde assisted the United Nations (UN) in setting it up. Paul was its special adviser during the mandate period 2009-2015. BuddeComm also believes a trans-sector approach to infrastructure is essential and it is important to look across infrastructure projects and sectors to create synergy. This report provides information and insights into the work of The Broadband Commission and includes BuddeComm’s observations and involvement in the development of trans-sector initiatives.

Key developments:

In 2011 the Commission set Millennium Development Goals for 2015 and The Commission meets on a yearly basis to discuss the progress towards these goals. The 9th meeting of the Commission took place in Dublin in March 2014 and one area of in-depth discussion surrounded the inhibitors to faster broadband deployment and the potential solutions to impediments such as investment financing.

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