Digital Media - Digital Video Recorders (DVR)

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Last updated: 30 Mar 2008 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 6

Analyst: Kylie Wansink


Archived report. This report was archived in 2009 and has not been updated. The terms ‘digital or personal recorder’ refer to the range of devices that allow for the recording of broadcasting content. Some synonyms include DVR and PVR. Their growth has followed the rapid success of DVDs and is relevant to the digital TV market because consumer entertainment goods like plasma screen TV, DVDs and personal recorders look to be a major driver of digital TV adoption. The key to the success for DVRs is the Electronic Program Guide. The marketing industry still has concerns regarding the impact of DVRs upon advertising. This report provides an introduction to DVRs including a technical and functional description, statistics and forecasts. It includes information on EPGs and takes a look at the industry pioneer, TiVo. The report also outlines market developments such as emerging mobile DVR applications. For information on Home Media Centres and Home Networking see separate report.

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