Denmark - Fixed Broadband Market - Statistics and Analyses

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Last updated: 13 Feb 2019 Update History

Report Status: Archived

Report Pages: 34


Denmark has one of the highest broadband penetration rates in the world, the result of excellent cable and DSL infrastructure and progressive regulatory regime which has encouraged operator access to both copper and fibre networks. Fibre networks have a fast-growing footprint, while a number of community and metropolitan schemes have supplemented TDC’s own commitments to build out fibre.

The regulator has reviewed wholesale access regulations imposed on TDC’s fibre infrastructure in areas where alternative operators have also built networks, and thus where there is effective competition. The development of VDSL and fibre is crucial to meeting the government’s objective for all premises to have access to a 100Mb/s service by 2020. In addition, TDC is also investing in DOSCIS3.1 technology for its YouSee branded cable broadband offer. The network upgrade provides a 1Gb/s data service to more than two-thirds of premises.

This report provides a comprehensive overview of the latest developments and statistics in Denmark’s fixed and fixed-wireless broadband markets, including subscriber forecasts.

Key developments:

  • TDC extends the reach of its DOCSIS3.1 service, providing 1Gb/s downloads;
  • Continuing growth in fibre network roll-outs;
  • TDC advances with vectoring VDSL;
  • Government to increase minimum national upload speed to 30Mb/s by 2020;
  • Report update includes the regulator’s market data update to June 2018, telcos’ operating and financial data to Q4 2018, recent market developments.

Companies mentioned in this report:

TDC, Telia, Telenor, Stofa, YouSee, Canal Digital Denmark, TRE-FOR, NRGI. Clearwire, ButlerNetworks, ECI Telecom, Nordisk Mobiltelefon, FastTV.

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